Localizing Live Data

Use this method to localize live content immediately.

Updating Live Data

  1. Locate the database of language files.

    1. Log in as an Administrator and navigate to the Configuration Console.
    2. From the Settings menu, select Organization Profile > Languages.
    3. The Languages workspace displays a table of language files.
  2. Click Edit in the Edit Live Data column.
  3. Click Edit under the Edit Live Data column to open the Localization Workbench workspace
  4. In the Localization Workbench and Settings workspace, choose between Content Strings and Picklist Strings.

Updating Multiple Translation Records

You can simultaneously select and update multiple translation records with the same translation value by filtering those with identical source values.

To update mutiple translation records:

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Organizational Profile > Languagesto display the Languages workspace.

2.Click Edit in the Edit Live Data column.

3.In the Localization Workbench & Settings workspace, choose between Content Stringsand Picklist Strings; Select the item you want to translate, and click Next.

4.Click the filter icon in the Source column header to select the search string. The application displays only the translation records that match your search string.

5.Modify the translation value in the Target column for the object.

6.A confirmation dialog box appears. Click Yes.

The application updates the corresponding Translation records with the modified string value.

Grouping Multiple Translation Records

You can group and update multiple translation records by filtering the translation records that have the same source value.

To group multiple translation records:

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Organizational Profile > Languagesto display the Languages workspace.

2.Click Edit in the Edit Live Data column.

3.In the Localization Workbench & Settings workspace, choose between Content Stringsand Picklist Strings; Select the item you want to translate, and click Next.

4.Click Filter Options drop-down list and select Group by Duplicates Source option. The application displays only the translation records that are grouped together based on the same source value.

5.Modify the translation value in the Target column for the object.

6. If there are multiple records that match the source string. a confirmation dialog box appears. Click Yes.

The application updates the corresponding Translation records with the modified string value.